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A rich, engaging, and wide ranging history of a much ignored sense, Roger Smith’s The Sense of Movement: An Intellectual History utilises philosophy and the history of science to explore the under-acknowledged “sixth sense”; the sense of movement. Smith reflects on the way various types of movement have interacted with physiology, psychology and the social sciences to create an idea of what this “sixth sense” really encompasses. He then expands his ideas to how personal awareness of this sense can affect lived experience.

Praise for the Sense of Movement:


'Smith admirably shows how inescapable the sense of movement has been to theorizing about the human… Smith delivers a rich and impressive history of the ubiquity of the movement sense that will be sure to spark interest in closer mappings of intellectual views with their particular cultural expression.' - Susan Lanzoni, Ph.D., in Isis: a Journal of the History of Science Society


'This examination of the perceived sensation of movement from an interdisciplinary perspective, has much to offer the history of science as well as those engaged in the history and practice of the movement arts and other practices that interrogate the dualism of mind and body.'

- Olivia Sabee, in Journal for the History of the Behavioural Sciences


'…I recommend this book to any historian of science who wants to watch an idea permeate every aspect of culture from the philosopher's rooms to the laboratory and the summit of the Matterhorn.'

- Christopher Lawrence, in Annals of Science

The Sense of Movement: an Intellectual History, by Roger Smith

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